Episode 2: 9 Tips For Email Marketing

Email marketing isn’t dead. Email marketing is often overlooked, especially in the overland marketing segment. In this episode I will cover 9 tips that can take your marketing to the next level with your overland business.

Email Marketing Isn’t dead

  • Collect email from your visitors
  • According to to Statista 306B emails are sent and received everyday
  • Mailchimp was bought out for 11B 

#1 Scrub your list 

– If they’re not opening scrub your unopened emails, only send to people who are opening them. If a large percentage are unopened they will eventually hit spam

#2 Use casual subject lines

– Instead of being really proper like “The most useful widget for camping” use “check out this widget that can make camp fun again”

#3 Get followers to your social platforms

– Solicit following and sharing on social media

– Increases followers and engagement

#4 Follow up on abandoned cart rate

– Have a system for following up on abandoned carts (Shopify / Privy)

– Offer a one time discount

#5 Keep emails short and to the point

– Under 200 word emails have an open rate of 7-38%

#6 Send emails early in the morning

– Send around 6 am have a better chance of being opened first thing int he morning

#7 Add value even when you’re selling

– Offer stories or tips to dow with the experience and how to use the products

– Make people feel excited about getting out and experiencing their adventure with your products

#8 Resend to unopened email 

– Change the subject line

#9 Add countdown timers inside your emails

– Only do this if you’re selling something, there is a promo and the product is running low

The entire company is the marketing department.

Please feel free to reach out with questions you would like addressed on the show!


About the Author
Co Founder & Digital Strategist at Press Check Marketing. Personal YouTube and Instagram - UrbanArmed

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