Overland Marketing Podcast

A Podcast For the overland & outdoor industry.

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Episode 2: 9 Tips For Email Marketing

Email marketing isn’t dead. Email marketing is often overlooked, especially in the overland marketing segment. In this episode I will cover 9 tips that can take your marketing to...

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Episode 1: Introduction – Started At The Bottom

This is the first episode for a brand new podcast that is focused on marketing tactics for the overland and outdoor industry. It is my goal to bring brands...

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Featured Personalities

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Host - Owner of Press Check Marketing

Avid outdoors enthusiast. Enjoy’s building trucks, off roading, camping and marketing. Follow for fashion tips



Off Road Build Master

Co-Owner of State 48 Overland. Passions include anything with wheels and destined for the dirt. 

Ben - Arizona Toy Pros


Owner - AZ Toy Pros

Building overland rigs in the heat of Arizona. Owner of Arizona Toy Pros. Catch him on the trail… how bow DAT


The Cat


I throw myself down among the tall grass by the trickling stream. As I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants.

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